
Rosemary McGuire Berry - Paths to HIS Heart

St. Ignatius of Loyola
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Volcanoes of Love

(Statue of St. Mary Magdalene in the crypt of her basilica in St. Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, France) Do you ever feel that if you were to become more Christlike, you'd lose something? That you'd have to give up "who you really are" and become like the Stoics of ancient times? This myth has been around a long time...probably since Adam and Eve thought that they wouldn't reach their full potential if they obeyed God and resisted the temptation to eat the forbidden fruit. Some people think they'd...

My photo of Fra Angelico's fresco, taken in Museum of San Marco, Florence, Italy. Happy Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul, and welcome to your monthly essay on the Saints and their Temperaments! At Mass this morning, I was thinking about CONVERSION in reference to these two saints. We have a special feast for the Conversion of St. Paul, celebrated in January. We know about his dramatic encounter with Christ (Acts 9:3-6): "And as he went on his journey, it came to pass that he drew nigh to...

The tomb of the incorrupt St. Philip Neri in Rome - we were blessed to visit last August! "To play the fool for the love of God was the delight of St. Philip Neri." ~ Fr. Joseph Husslein, S.J., Ph.D. Last Sunday was the feast of another saint with a strong sanguine streak in his temperament - St. Philip Neri. As he grew closer to God, he used his sense of humor to build the virtue of humility. Instead of becoming hoity-toity and impressed with his own sanctity, he played the fool. When he...

Happy Monday! I’m pleased and excited to announce that Wild Atlantic Writing Awards in Ireland named me as a finalist in their recent flash fiction contest with the theme word of “HOPE”. Contestants were asked to write a very short piece on the theme, but without using the word “hope” more than once. Here is my interview with them, followed by my flash fiction piece as published on their site. You will also find this piece on my new Substack -, and on my...